
#HealthyLuton is a campaign designed by Luton Borough Council, Team Beds & Luton and Active Luton, bringing together all the free, low cost and subsidised opportunities there are to lead a healthy lifestyle in Luton.



Due to the Covid-19 pandemic there has been a significant reduction in engagement in sport and physical activity locally with national lockdowns limiting opportunities for residents to be active. The campaign #LutonLetsGetActive under the umbrella of Healthy aims to support the return of sport and physical activity, encouraging and motivating Luton residents to be active, addressing the barriers to getting active and offering reassurance that sport and physical activity can be undertaken safely. The #LutonLetsGetActive campaign will promote existing opportunities to be active across Luton and build on habits developed during the national lockdowns such as, walking, jogging or cycling.

The campaign will also complement the Luton 2040 vision by helping to reduce health inequalities and improving the quality of lives of Luton residents.

#LutonLetsGetActive Opportunities

As part of the #LutonLetsGetActive Campaign, we have created a database of some existing activities and sessions which are already happening across Luton.
You can access the #LutonLetsGetActive Padlet by clicking here or by clicking on the image below.

#LutonLetsGetActive Taster Sessions

Other local opportunities

Go4Less Advantage

The Go4Less Advantage card provides a heavily discounted rate at Active Luton's leisure centres, allowing access to group fitness or swimming for only £2 during off peak times and is available to anyone on a low income or receiving a range of qualifying benefits- for more information on applying for a card click here.

Total Wellbeing Luton Services

Total Wellbeing Luton integrated wellbeing service provides accessible and inclusive opportunities to improve your physical and emotional health. This includes support to: stop smoking, manage your weight and lead a healthier lifestyle, become more active with tailored support, have a free NHS health check, manage an existing health condition, get support with non-medical aspects of health and wellbeing and improve emotional health.

If you would like to start your journey but not sure where to start then please get in touch, we can offer free support by calling 0300 5554152 or emailing info@totalwellbeingluton.org or visiting the service's get support page for more details.

#LutonLetsGetActive Monthly Challenges

We would love to hear your stories or see photos of how you've supported our #LutonLetsGetActive campaign by completing our monthly challenges. Please send your stories or photos to HealthyLuton@luton.gov.uk

Inspirational Stories & #LutonLetsGetActive Ambassadors

Michelle Withey

Michelle Withey

Our Partners