Support and guidance

It's not always easy running a sports club or community group and that's why we have pulled together a range of resources and supporting tools to help clubs and organisations in Luton, Bedford and Central Bedfordshire expand and develop their offering.

Support and guidance

Club Support and Guidance

Club Matters is Sport England's one stop shop for clubs, groups and organisations involved in the delivery of physical activity and sport. Support is split into four topic areas of club finances, management, people and marketing via interactive guidance, online modules, toolkits, pod casts and templates.

Team BEDS&LUTON bespoke support packages

Our free and paid for packages are designed specifically for sports clubs, community groups and organisations who work with people to get more active. These include funding, grant applications, marketing and consultation support.

Open Active


OpenActive is community-led initiative with the ambition to help people in England get active using open data.

Since its launch in 2016, OpenActive has made great strides, including opening up more than 170,000 monthly activity sessions (such as afternoon fitness classes or opportunities to book a sports court or pitch) and bringing together organisations from across the sports and physical activity sector to publish and use open data.

Its open for everyone to use and we are encouraging organisations/clubs/community groups who have data around sport booking information to open up their data and share it. It's not about personal information, it's all about information that is already public so for example:





Here are some examples from National Campaigns to give you an idea..

Public Health England (PHE) is currently using open data in its Change4Life campaign, which is designed to get children more active. The Change4Life activity finder is live on PHE's website, and OpenActive is supporting its quest to get better activity coverage nationwide, with coordinated support from leisure management systems, Gladstone and Legend.

Sport England's national campaign This Girl Can is committed to using open data and is working with OpenActive to highlight more opportunities for women and girls to get active.

The website highlights many of the reasons why this is a good opportunity and how it can benefit the population and ultimately increase participation and activity. For more information go to OpenActive

What is OpenActive?

Community Groups

You might not be a sports club, but if you are keen for your family or the people you work with to become more physically active we will be delighted to help you.

We will, in the first instance arrange for one of our relationship managers to meet with you, understand your needs and requirements and work with you to provide a solution.

Please contact us for more information.