Disabled Sport

We work with local Bedfordshire partners to provide advice and guidance on how to provide sport and physical activity sessions for people with disabilities and additional needs.

Disabled Sport

Disabled Sport and Physical Activity in Bedfordshire

We work with a range of partners and stakeholders to ensure sport and physical activity is accessible for all, helping to create opportunities for individuals with disabilities and additional needs. We provide guidance and insight to support the sector to provide inclusive opportunities for Bedfordshire residents.

What's happening in your area?

For more area specific information about activities for people with disabilities near you please click on the below links for more information.


Bedford Council: Activities for people with disabilities

Riverside Tennis Club: No Barriers Sessions

Central Bedfordshire:

Central Bedfordshire: Sports for Disabled People

Spectrum Community Arts

Yes We Can


Active Luton: Disability and Inclusive Sport


Families United Network

Bedford and District Cerebral Palsy Society

If you would like to create an opportunity for people with disabilities to engage in sport and physical activity please contact us for possible funding support.

Activity Alliance

Activity Alliance works to make active lives possible. They do this by enabling organisations to support disabled individuals to be and stay active. Their work is centred on research and insight with disabled people as well as engaging with organisations from various sectors.

Activity Alliance are an important partner in our BLMK Disability Steering Group which team BEDS&LUTON lead on in partnership with Leap, the Active Partnership for Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes. The BLMK Disability Steering Group was established in 2020 and includes a range of organisations, partners and stakeholders who share a passion for providing opportunities for individuals with disabilities and additional needs, to find out more about this group or how you can support this work please contact Johnathan Rudland or Katrina Down from our team who will be happy to discuss this with you.

Inclusive Physical Activity Training:

If you are interested in expanding your knowledge or learning how to make activities fun and inclusive for everyone, Activity Alliance have worked in partnership with UK Coaching to provide an Inclusive Physical Activity programme to equip individuals with the skills to engage disabled people and people with long-term health conditions.

For more information and to book a course, please visit HERE.

Information for coaches and providers

We have compiled a selection of impairment specific factsheets to help with your coaching on a range of topics including Autism, Cerebral Palsy and Visual Impairments.