Covid-19 Club Support

Covid-19 Club Support

Support for Club and Organisations during Covid-19

Important funding announcement

We know this is a hugely challenging time for the sport and physical activity sector across Luton and Bedfordshire as the country deals with the outbreak of coronavirus (Covid-19).

We are committed to doing all that we can to support sport and physical activity clubs, community groups and organisations through this extremely challenging period.

Sport England have announced £220.5 million to help the sport and physical activity sector through the coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis. These have recently been updated to provide two new 'return to play funds' as well as continuation of the Active Together crowdfunding option. Further details are available via the following link:

If you would like help and support with developing your project and applications please do not hesitate to get in touch with and or with a brief outline of your challenges, the projects you are looking to put together and the fund you are considering applying to.

We will be keeping a close eye out for new funding streams that become available. You might also want to consider these other funding opportunities

- For community clubs please check availability of support through your National Governing Body. There are several NGB's providing grant and/or interest free loan funding.

- If you are based in Luton please consider the Luton Sport Network COVID-19 Fund. Further details are available via the following link luton-sports-network

- National Lottery Community Fund

- Coronavirus Mental Health Support Fund (Currently closed but may not open again in the future)

- Persimmon Homes Building Futures Fund (Currently closed but may not open again in the future)

- Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation COVID-19 Emergency Fund (Currently closed but may not open again in the future)

- If you are based in Bedford please consider Sport Bedford funding options.

- If you are in Central Bedfordshire please do consider the councillors ward grant scheme. Each ward councillor has access to £3,000 of funding for community projects ( increased by £1000 due to COVID-19)

Other useful links

Advice and guidance by sport / NGO:

Keeping your club and organisation running

From physical infrastructure, to making sure your committee is still functioning, there are lots of things that can be done during this time to ensure that your club can keep running or keep it in the best position possible. Club Matters have produced a series of resources and toolkits to guide you through what you may need to do.

Click here for all the information

Support for projects and organisations

Sport England compiled advice on how to keep your project or organisation going through the coronavirus crisis and how you can help to keep the nation active.

It can support you now, and help you prepare and adapt for the future.

See the support available

Embracing new technology

We know that this is a stressful and worrying time for those whose business relies on delivering local activity classes and that for their participants, these local classes are often vital for social connection as well as a chance to be active.

While moving classes online may not be an option for every activity instructor, with some basic equipment and the right online platforms there are ways to continue to deliver services to your participants (and potentially a much wider audience). Please see this handy guide on what technology is available to you.

Online training and resources

  • UK Coaching has launched its 'Antidote for Coaches Side-lined by COVID-19'. It has temporarily unlocked 10 of its key subscriber resources making them available to all registered on These will remain freely available until 3 May. The idea is to help you with your learning and development journey by finding methods to support you while sport remains in limbo. Check out what's on offer here.
  • It has also opened an online classroom to replace its face-to-face safeguarding workshops - click here to find session details and book.
  • Pure Training has a range of online courses - click here for more information.

Case Studies - Bedfordshire clubs

There are lots of local Bedfordshire clubs doing some incredible things for their members and local communities and we wanted to showcase what some are doing!

Please see below the first of our case studies from Dunstable Swimming Club who are bringing experts into peoples homes during covid-19 lockdown.

Or if you would like your story included please email

See how our funds have helped the community