Safeguarding Adults at Risk

Safeguarding Adults at Risk

The Ann Craft Trust is the leading UK Safeguarding Authority regarding Disabled Children and Adults at Risk. They support organisations to safeguard and minimise the risk of harm. For help, advice, resources and training please visit the Ann Craft Trust.

In partnership with the Ann Craft Trust, UK Coaching have produced a series of resources highlighting the importance of safeguarding adults training. For more information and to access the free guides please see below.


New Online Safeguarding Adults Course - 90 minutes.

This course has been developed in partnership with the Ann Craft Trust and is the first of its kind. It has been endorsed by CIMSPA against their Safeguarding Adults and Adults at Risk Technical Specialism and is worth 3 Developmental CPD points.

Safeguarding Adults is suitable for everyone who delivers coaching in clubs, community sport and physical activity.

Safeguarding adults isn't the same as safeguarding children, as adults face different sets of issues. Both organisations and individuals must have the skills and confidence to manage safeguarding concerns relevant to adults, prevent abuse from occurring and be prepared to respond proportionately if abuse or neglect does occur.

To learn more about the course and complete please visit UK Coaching.

Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy