Trans Inclusion in Sport and Physical Activity

Trans Inclusion in Sport and Physical Activity

Trans Inclusion in Sport and Physical Activity

Everyone should be able to enjoy the benefits of an active life and no-one should be excluded from being active.

In January 2021, members of team BEDS&LUTON undertook Trans Inclusion in Sport and Physical Activity Awareness training delivered by Gendered Intelligence.

Tackling inequality lies at the heart of our aims towards an active Bedfordshire and we're working with the sport and physical activity sector to help it become ever more inclusive, so that more people from all backgrounds can enjoy sport and exercise.

We're working with a wide range of organisations, including young trans groups but are always looking to work with other organisations that are looking for help or support within the topic of trans inclusion.

We recognise there's an ongoing discussion around trans inclusion in competitive sport, but this is separate to the issue of participation and exercise, which is our primary focus.

Gendered Intelligence

Gendered Intelligence is a Community Interest Company whose object is to deliver arts programmers and creative workshops to trans youth from across the UK in order to increase the quality of young trans peoples life experiences.

For more information on how Gendered Intelligence could support your organisation please find there website here:

Information for Organisations and Coaches

Further Support

If you have any further questions or would like more support, please contact any of the team via our contacts page here.