Top tips on applying for funding grants

Top tips on applying for funding grants

Top tips on applying for funding grants

It is crucial that your organisation is clear about its funding requirements before making an application. To increase the chances of your funding application being submitted please ensure you have read the funding support section. We've also put together some top tips to guide you through the process.

1. Do your research

It's a good idea to find out as much information about a funder as possible before making an application. It is a waste of both your and the funder's time if you submit an application but do not meet the funding criteria. So, ask yourself...

• Does your organisation meet the criteria of the funder providing the grant?

• How much does the funder offer for each grant?

• Does the grant available meet with your organisations requirements?

• What does the funder use to assess applications? - Usually this will be an application form so can your organisation provide all the information required in this form?

• When is the deadline for applications and is there enough time to thoroughly meet the next deadline.

2. What are the reasons for your application?

Funding organisations receive a large number of applications and therefore it is crucial that your application clearly outlines why you require a grant.

• What evidence do you have that funding is required?

• Can you explain in detail what the funding will be used for?

• Do you have detailed facts and figures to demonstrate the demand for the funding?

• Can you clearly demonstrate what benefits the funding will make? e.g. how many people will benefit and in what ways? Ensure that your application highlights the difference the funding will make to the local community.

3. Demonstrate how you will use the funds.

Ensure that you have costed out your project and can explain exactly what the funding will be used for and how it will make an impact. If you can source funding from other organisations this may be favourable for your application.

4. Finally…

• Ask somebody to proof read the application before it is sent

• Consider including a covering letter with your application

• Double check all the supporting documents have been included in your application

• Take copies of your application for your records