Zaheer- #LutonLetsGetActive Ambassador

Zaheer- #LutonLetsGetActive Ambassador


In March 2021, with gyms closed, I faced a dilemma of staying indoors and buying some expensive gym equipment, or simply running outdoors. With my motivation at an all time low, I stumbled across a few video's online about rollerblading. I thought, what if I could learn rollerblading?

I started researching the basics and after watching a few tutorials, I headed to my local Decathlon store and bought myself a pair of shiny new skates!

There was a problem however, I still didn't feel confident enough to put the skates on and try. I started enquiring about local tutors who could perhaps teach me some of the basics but unfortunately my enquiries were futile. I searched high and wide and still nothing.

Feeling demoralised and deflated I almost gave up. I tried to go it alone and after falling countless times I thought this isn't for me.

Feeling sad and annoyed at my failed attempts at trying to rollerblade, I kept at it, practicing each evening in the summer and before I knew it, I could rollerblade! I was chuffed and over the moon and even made some great friends through rollerblading.

I started to get in shape and I found members of the public or dog walkers who would notice me rollerblade and jokingly remark, "careful on those skates", or saying something on the lines of, "oh you're brave".

I'm looking forward to the summer and getting back on my skates! (Don't forget your head gear, gloves, elbow and knee pads if you feel inspired to take up skating after reading this - remember, safety first and happy skating!)