Luton Sport & Physical Activity Network

Luton Sport & Physical Activity Network

Who we are

The Luton Sport & Physical Activity Network is a voluntary body, operating under Active Luton, and has been representing sport in Luton for over 30 years. The group, made up of a wide range of representative of the sporting community across the borough, meet approx. 4 times a year to discuss and contribute to a variety of local sporting outcomes from Luton's Strategic Vision for Sport and Physical Activity. This document, together with Luton's other related strategies is available via the following link here

The network is keen to support Luton's community sports club and organisation to welcome back their communities and sustain their activities following the challenges of the pandemic. Our resources will therefore continue to be utilised to support this work. We will also focus our investment on supporting those with the least in our town to access sport and physical activity during the 2022-23 financial year.

The network is also keen to support our talented athletes to develop their sporting careers. We will continue to do this through our Talented Athlete bursary scheme.

The networks priorities are:

  1. To continue to provide a Talented Athlete Grant Scheme, to support local athletes performing at an elite level. and a small grants scheme to support individuals, sports clubs and organisations resident and competing in Luton for the development of amateur sport.
  2. To provide a small grant scheme for our community clubs and organisations to support individuals, sports clubs and organisations resident and competing in Luton for the development of amateur sport and continued recovery from the impacts of the pandemic. We also encourage applications from non traditional sporting organisations that support our communities to become physically active and move more.
  3. Greater engagement with local sports clubs and other community groups to play a more active part in the development of Luton Sports & Physical Activity Community with representation on each of the strategic vision steering groups.

Membership is open to all sports clubs and other interested organisations and individuals within the borough that use sport and physical activity to promote health, lifelong learning and community cohesion.

How to get in touch

Please email if you would like more information on becoming a member, wish to apply to join our committee or want to know more about our grant schemes.

Our Grant Schemes

Small Grants

We provide a small grant scheme that supports clubs, community groups and athletes either living or performing in Luton. Up to £500 is available for successful applicants. The scheme has four competitive funding rounds each year. Information regarding eligibility, what we will and will not fund and how to apply are available via the following downloadable document.


Talented Athlete Grants

We launched a new grant scheme in 2018 to support Luton's most talented athletes. Priority will go to those taking part in Great Britain or their home country in international competition at World, Olympic, Commonwealth or European level and including of course the Paralympic equivalent competitions. Some of these people will already be on a development pathway. We also recognise that some are on the cusp of making that breakthrough and so we hope with a little extra support from us, this could make the difference.

Information regarding eligibility, what we will and will not fund and how to apply are available via the following downloadable document.


Our Committee

Our committee is a sub-committee of the Active Luton board. It is made up of elected members from the voluntary sporting community together with a representative from each of the Active Luton board and Luton Borough Council. Members are elected at an Annual Meeting.

The committee is run by a secretariat provided by team BEDS&LUTON, the Active Partnership for Bedfordshire.

Our committee meetings take place on a Wednesday evening between 5pm - 6.30pm.

Case Studies