One Nation - How has the Tackling Inequalities Fund helped?

One Nation - How has the Tackling Inequalities Fund helped?

Posted: Thu, 1 Jul 2021 10:52

One Nation is an organisation that received Tackling Inequalities funding to provide online yoga and fitness sessions during the lockdown periods, where many of the organisation's clients suffered from isolation and access outside was extremely limited.

One Nation primarily targets those from low socio-economic groups and through the funding provided to them, they were able to provide tablets for participants to follow instructions from a trainer through a yoga and fitness programme. The tablets were distributed to those most in need and those without internet access were able to hotspot to their devices, making the programme very accessible to those suffering digital poverty.

The funding further covered the costs of a paid instructor for 10 weeks to lead the session, 3 sessions per week lasting an hour. The sessions were capped at 20 for connectivity reasons, however more people began to take part when participants began encouraging their family members to take part, adding to the programme's success.

Now, many of the participants have taken up parkrun, due to enjoying the exercise this programme has given them, showing how One Nation's impact has been far greater than they thought.

One Nation are hoping to move their sessions outdoors to allow participants to enjoy being in open spaces again, as well as hopes to raise money to fund indoor venues during the winter months.

Feedback from participants include:

"Everything is closed and I'm just sitting at home and this was just great in the safety of my own home."

"This yoga is brilliant - never done anything like this before."

"Seeing others do it encouraged me."

Tags: Covid, Covid-19, Evaluation, Impact, Luton, One Nation, Tackling Inequalities Fund