Together Fund - Bedfordshire

Together Fund - Bedfordshire

Introduction to Fund

1. team BEDS&LUTON has secured £128,000 from Sport England which is aimed at helping groups that have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic to reduce the significant impact on their ability to be physically active and the widening of the inequalities in sport and physical activity. team BEDS&LUTON will run a targeted programme, identifying organisations that best meet the criteria, and working with them to work up their request for funding.

2. The money is for community organisations that deliver sport and physical activity to one or more of four priority audiences to help tackle the inequalities that affect participation:

a. People on Low Income

b. Disabled people

c. People with long term health conditions

d. Culturally Diverse Communities

Use of Funding

3. There must be a clear 'line of sight' through this funding to sport and physical activity either through what they have previously delivered or what they have the ability to deliver to their target audience in the future.

Criteria for use of funding

4. Any application for funding should:

a. Be focused on one or more of the following target audiences:

        • Lower Socio-Economic Groups
        • Culturally Diverse Communities
        • Disabled People and
        • People with Long-Term Health Conditions (LTC)

b. Minimise the impact of COVID-19 on activity levels in under-represented groups, ensuring that the physical activity participation inequality gap doesn't widen in targeted communities.

c. Enable community groups working with target audiences to continue to exist and retain the resources and capability to recover at the appropriate time.

d. To support community groups working with target audiences to strengthen coming out of COVID 19 restrictions through developing their governance, business planning and resilience.

e. Demonstrate a clear financial need for the funding sought.

f. Demonstrate the existing relationship the organisation has with the target audience.


We expect that most of the amounts awarded through this scheme will be ranging from £1,000 to £2,000.

5. team BEDS&LUTON will work with solicited organisations to help co-produce and write their short application. Applications will be quickly assessed by Sport England for decision.

6. Sport England funding requires recipient bodies to have a recognised constitution in place. The funds cannot be used for:

a. Activities promoting religious or political beliefs

b. Individuals

c. Any private businesses or profit-making organisations unless they are a Social Enterprise or Community Interest Company


7. The maps below illustrates the areas with high levels of deprivation. These are the communities that we will focus on for the low-income target audience.

Further Information

Please contact:

Application Form

Please carefully read the criteria above before applying. You must discuss your application with one of the Project Contacts from team BEDS&LUTON before applying. Please complete all details on the form. If you have questions, please contact Michelle Morris: Please email or attach to your application form your Safeguarding policy, Governing document, Public Liability insurance and bank details on a headed piece of paper to Michelle after you have completed this form. (Direct Link to complete the Application Form - Please copy and paste this into a new window if required)

If a paper copy of the form is required please contact Michelle Morris or one of the Project Contacts listed above.

When all the above has been received this will be sent to Sport England unless we need any further clarification. As soon as we hear back from Sport England regarding the result, we will contact you with the next steps if successful.

**Please be aware that Sport England provide the final decision on the application and whether the grant may be paid to your organisation**

Recent Projects

Read about some of the latest projects which have been funded via the Together Fund.