team BEDS&LUTON Partner Event - July 2017

Another successful Partner Event - July 2017

What is our Partner Event?

As a County Sports Partnership we are moving into a new role, with new focuses, to provide as much support as possible to our partners, old and new. We take the opportunity twice a year to invite all our partners to a networking event, to promote partnership working and to inform and educate Bedfordshire's health and activity family. This encompasses the Bedfordshire vision to have a healthier, happier and fitter county.

We encourage all organisations who work to improve physical activity, wellbeing and sport to attend our Partner Events. This is so our partners, as well as team BEDS&LUTON, can gain as much learning to promote the work we all do.

What was on the Agenda?

We were very fortunate to have sector experts in impact evaluation and fundraising attend the event this summer. With Preeti Shetty from The Football Foundation demonstrating the value of impact assessment, finding smart ways to record data and evidencing impact. Preeti is Head of Upshot at The Football Foundation, a monitoring tool that is accessible to partners to collect data and report on the impact a project, or projects against the outcomes of a project.

Kerry McDonald from The Bid Writing Business came to the event with 15 years experience at Sport England and was a co-founder of Street Games. Kerry is a fundraising expert and supports organisations with small and large grants. Kerry presented the 11 forms of fundraising that organisations could access, then delivered a workshop which explored these opportunities further.

Helen Reeves, an Olympic Canoe Slalom bronze medalist from Athens 2004, also gave us an insight into the life of an Olympic Athlete and her journey from participant, to athlete, to Olympic Medalist, to mum. This was great to hear and a good chance for partners to hear how community sport can transform a persons life.

What was the outcome of the event?

We were able to provide partners with team BEDS&LUTON's vision for a healthier, happier and fitter Bedfordshire, and a brief insight into the support on offer through impact, evaluation and from other organisations. This was a great opportunity for us to bring together the partners delivering and working towards improving physical health in Bedfordshire.