Spectrum Community Arts Ltd

Spectrum Community Arts Ltd

Spectrum Community Arts Ltd Case Study

Spectrum is a performing arts clubs in and around Leighton Buzzard for children and adults with disabilities.

Spectrum Community Arts Ltd offers performing arts clubs in and around Leighton Buzzard for children and adults with disabilities.

After attending our Fit For Funding workshop in 2018, Jade Cook – Spectrum Community Arts Director decided to ask us for some additional advice and support.

We met with Jade to provide guidance regarding the governance of the organisation and direction of her performing arts workshops. We also advised her on where else to get support with finding volunteers and put her in contact with CVS Bedfordshire who can promote volunteer opportunities and find suitable matches

After a few initial meetings we then looked at potential grant opportunities to support the work of Spectrum. This led to applying for an Awards for All grant and they were awarded just over £5000.

What will the money be used for?

Spectrum Community Arts will organise and run regular performing arts activities over a 12 week period prior to Christmas 2019. There will be five sessions a week for 1hr each for 12 weeks. At the end of the 12 weeks there will be a "Spectrum Show Case" event allowing all participants to perform to friends, parents and carers.

This project is based on work previously tested in the community and the grant will enable Spectrum Community Arts put into practice the feedback received as well as offering a bigger and better quality programme for this much in need sector in the community. The regular sessions will be for young people (4 - 17) with a disability and or additional needs to engage in dance, sensory movement, drama and singing. There will also be the opportunity for adults to engage in the programme as one of the sessions each week will be an adult dance class. The programme is broader than providing the regular sessions for the participants. Crucially it provides parents and carers the opportunity to network and to support each other, whilst their children are taking part in the sessions. Spectrum provide a non-judgemental space and a social environment which helps the participants feel comfortable as well as the parents and carers. A
significant part of the programme is the involvement and development of volunteers who will support
the work. There will be 14 volunteers, supported by a volunteer co-ordinator. They will be working alongside the participants to support their learning experience and helping them have fun whilst learning a new skill. The experience the volunteers will gain over the 12 weeks will develop them as individuals and support them in their workforce development. The concept behind this is not only develop the right people with the skills and experience they need to work with people with additional needs but it will also help sustain the project. These volunteers, with the right support from the volunteer co-ordinator, will move on to start their workforce journey and hopefully run future sessions

Club Impact

Physical Benefits:

An individual who attended a previous group of sessions of this nature was receiving regularly physiotherapy. After the sessions his physiotherapist said that he no longer required the physio as he was developing core strength and flexibility as a result of the regular sessions.

Confidence and Self-Esteem:

Tracey Johnson
Tracey Johnson (Mum) said:

My son who is 13 and has Downs Syndrome finds the classes so inspiring... he enjoys them so much. His confidence and self-esteem has really grown

Angela Keeley
Angela Keeley (Mum) said:

Being at Spectrum has boosted Ambers confidence and she has enjoyed being able to make friends. Part of her syndrome is her memory so dancing and learning routines is helping and she tells me all the time "she loves it".

Reduce Anxiety

"My son George (5) started at Spectrum Dance last year, for the first few weeks he would bring along his portable Henry and run around with it. George is now able to associate props with dance routines, songs and games. This has helped him with the changes between songs and meant that Henry now stays at home. He is becoming much more independent, coordinated and involved in all aspects of her dance classes. I am extremely grateful to Jade and her team for providing both George and I with this opportunity." (Mum) Claire Keenan


Clare Fitzboydon Senior Relationship Manager said

"It has been a really interesting journey and I am delighted that our work has resulted in some additional investment for Spectrum as it will help move them to the next level and become sustainable. Spectrum works with an in need part of the community which is a focus for our work. Those with special needs and or a disability are often inactive and so her offer reaches people that are a priority for us as an organisation. It also has helped enormously that Jade wants to help herself so it is a partnership that works positively."

Future Plans

Spectrum has ambitions to grow it's reach and ultimately have it's own facility so this is a long partnership which we will make the most of the opportunities along the way. We will help them achieve their future plans by finding connections to the right partners that may help Spectrum longer term as well as continuing to maximise funding opportunities.

We will also help Spectrum develop itself so that it has a thriving business model for sustainable long term growth.

For more information on Spectrum Community Arts Ltd click here:

To read the full case study please click below:

  • Spectrum Community Arts Ltd Spectrum Community Arts Ltd (PDF, 1.9 Mb)

    We met with Jade to provide guidance regarding the governance of the organisation and direction of her performing arts workshops. We also advised her on where else to get support with finding volunteers and put her in contact with CVS Bedfordshire who can promote volunteer opportunities
    and find suitable matches. After a few initial meetings we then looked at potential grant opportunities to support the work of
    Spectrum. This led to applying for an Awards for All grant and they were awarded just over £5000.

    Spectrum have also been supported in terms of how to make the most of social media to support their activities and promote them to the wider community.