Rob Purdie

Rob Purdie

"I have been a sports "nut" for most of my life, trying everything available at school and college and playing Rugby and Athletics to a reasonable level into my late 30's. More recently I have been spoiling a good walk with golf clubs, and as a season ticket holder have enjoyed Northampton Saints resurgence, (sorry Bedford Blues, Ampthill and Luton Rugby Clubs)!

My recent interest in joining team BEDS&LUTON to contribute in a health and well being role, was driven by my search to find an appropriate means to improve my own fitness and health as I got older. During this search I realised how difficult it is for many people to engage with the available options and felt I wanted to help and get more involved.

My day job is Alchemetrix Ltd, a Management Consultancy. We focus on supporting business leaders and owners to make positive change happen in their companies. Most recently I have been heavily involved with community, retail and hospitality groups working in "challenged" town centres via Business Improvement Districts.

I had a 30-year corporate career including senior Marketing roles at Granada, Bedford and Pirelli Retail, Luton, culminating as MD of a Marketing Agency and Commercial Director of a European Media group. This experience has allowed me to contribute as a Non-Executive Director with numerous public bodies over the last ten years giving me a good understanding of how Boards can work together to deliver their outputs and outcomes."