No Limits - Inclusive Sport in Bedfordshire - BOCCIA Testimonial

No Limits Bedfordshire Disability Sports Boccia

Central Bedfordshire Council work with teamBeds&Luton and "No Limits Inclusive Sport for all" to create more sustainable opportunities for people with disabilities to take part in regular sport, physical activity & exercise in Bedfordshire. Primarily targeting teenagers and adults with learning disabilities our project aims to develop a network of multi sports clubs to enhance individual opportunity and improve whole family wellbeing. All clubs are run on a 'drop in' basis.

The activities vary from week to week, using different sports or just general FUN games, for example, 'Stuck in the Mud'. The clubs are pan disability, so all are welcome, and we encourage people to come along to see if it's for them. We try to create a very relaxed
and fun atmosphere very much like a 'Youth Club' where adults and children can come and see / meet their friends away from schools and their local Day Centres.

Here's a testimonial written by Yvonne about Christian and how he has benefitted from our Inclusive kids sports sessions on Tuesday in Houghton Regis, Bedfordshire:

Christian has Autism Spectrum Disorder and a Micro Duplication of Chromosome 16p11.2.

Christian has a lot of sensory issues, which can make him feel anxious and has always been full of energy and on the go. He has a delay in fine motor skills and has a lack of understanding social cues so it wouldn't be possible for him to join a sports club on the mainstream.

No limits sports makes him feel happy. It means a lot to see Christian go into a new situation and not to have anxiety and doesn't feel judged by his behaviour. It just gives him the confidence, motivation and self belief. Also it's amazing how all the kids are caring towards one another, praise and clap for each other . It makes me feel happy to see the confidence and excitement in Christian.

If you have someone who would benefit from attending these sessions please contact Robin Osborn, Central Bedfordshire Council - Telephone: 07580 30853 or email to find out more.

we look forward to seeing you soon.

Alison Wright

Alison Wright

Project Consultant

Talk to me about funding and grant application support

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