National Sector Partners Group: How Sport, Recreation and Physical Activity can Help Improve the Health and Wellbeing of the Nation

National Sector Partners Group: How Sport, Recreation and Physical Activity can Help Improve the Health and Wellbeing of the Nation

Posted: Wed, 27 Jul 2022 12:15

It is the collective belief of the NSPG that there needs to be root and branch reform of the policy and operating landscape the sector currently exists within. At a strategic level this must encompass:

• Development of a strong and consistent evidence base on which to make well-informed decisions and guide investment, with a particular focus on tackling inequalities and achieving the greatest social return on public investment.
• Strong direction from the heart of Government on the importance of sport, recreation and physical activity.
• Better policy coordination across different Government departments and agencies including much closer alignment of existing strategies on sport, physical activity, health and education.
• Deeper collaboration between Government departments, agencies and the sector involving greater co-design of policy and monitoring of implementation.
• Targeted investment into the sector on a long-term basis to provide certainty and stability and maximise value for money.
• Fundamental changes to legislative, regulatory and taxation regimes so they become greater enablers for sport, recreation and physical activity
• Greater advocacy from governments at national and local level for the role the sector plays in all communities.
• Improved coordination between national and local government, particularly where there are shared responsibilities e.g. public sport and leisure.
• Smarter deployment of sport, recreation and physical as a means of achieving specific policy objectives including improvements in education, skills and employment and the prevention of crime and recidivism.
• Improved links between the sector and related business and voluntary sectors to create more opportunities for investment, innovation and collaboration.

Tags: Health, Insight, Nspg, Potential, Wellbeing