Lloyd Conaway

Lloyd Conaway - Director

I'm responsible for leading the organisation. I had a career in Local Government - working in Sport, Leisure, Economic Development and Tourism, becoming an Assistant Chief Executive. I then moved to Sport England as Director of Regional Services in 1999 and in 2002 became Partnerships and Investment Director.

Following a secondment to London 2012, where I worked on the bids Olympic and Paralympic legacy plan I moved on to become CEO of the then Institute of Leisure and Amenity Management (ILAM now CIMSPA).

I have been Director of teamBEDS&LUTON since September 2005. I chaired BOOST, a public/private/3rd Sector partnership working to realise the benefits of London 2012 to local communities in Bedfordshire, sit on the national County Sports Partnership Network (CSPN) Board. I am also a Non-Executive Director of Experience Bedfordshire (a Tourism CIC), the Bedfordshire Local Nature Partnership and was a board director of England Netball.

I am an Exeter sports fan City and Chiefs and regularly watch the Bedford Blues). I enjoy golf, reading, TV, spending time with my grandchildren a riding my motorbike (when it's not raining).

I am passionate about the role sport and physical activity can play in health and wellbeing, developing people, business and communities.