Kirsty Scrivener

Kirsty Scrivener

My love for sport started in secondary school, I only enjoyed playing within a team structure. Like many children, I tried netball and football before realising hockey was a game I could excel in. I was chosen to play for my school's hockey team and I found that this motivated me more in the classroom. Eventually I joined Leighton Buzzard Hockey club in my late teens and still play for them now over 15 years later.

My love of team sports didn't translate well to keeping fit at other times, I struggled to link the benefit of keeping fit off the pitch. I loved the commandry, encouragement of my team mates and my coach. Motivation to exercise alone I found really tough. I really disliked going to the gym, mainly because I did not have an idea what I was doing and also the intimidation you feel when you first walk in can be overwhelming. I dipped in and out but never really committed to a programme.

Within the last 3 years I experienced the tragic loss of my parents within quick succession, this ultimately caused a big impact on my mental health and my outlook on what happens next for me. My team mates were an unbelievable tool for getting me through some dark days and I am grateful I had them by my side to lift my spirits and give me some purpose.

With their help it allowed me to reach through the other side and I realised I wanted to start a journey for me and took a step into the fitness world solo. I joined a local gym which specialised in circuit-based classes and started training 3 days a week, they were welcoming and accommodating for all levels. I was able to remove the dread of exercising on my own because for the first time I was enjoying it and soon started to experience the benefits, it gave me focus ,positive mindset and satisfaction. Following on from the classes I used social media to gain confidence to try out weight training, listening and watching likeminded influencers gave me a massive boost to go and give it go!

Lockdown was and is a strange time but I have tried to embrace the slower pace in life, it really propelled me forward and confirmed my love for exercise, I was furloughed from my events job and had no excuse to not get moving more, mainly as I was a single household I had to structure my day to give me some purpose. The circuit based gym Studio 83 in Leighton Buzzard were a fantastic motivator , Greg and Jen who own the gym moved their business to online classes 5x a week, I was able to be accountable to a group of people going through a similar journey. I really enjoy HIIT classes, there a great calorie burn and improve your fitness in a shorter amount of time. I even pushed myself to get out running , something I really could not enjoy previously, instead of thinking about running my fastest I changed my mindset to just being able to enjoy being outside in the fresh air, after regular runs you find it does become slightly easier.

I take inspiration from other female fitness instructors; Courtney Black , Courtney Pruce, Kristen Seale, however my main motivation is training with and encouraging friends to join in with need to be able to have a laugh as your doing exercise.

As I move forward, I want to encourage more women into exercise, but I want them to do it for themselves and not for others. Whether it be team based sport or not, movement is great for the body and the mind and can really release life's day to day stresses.

Kirsty talks about her experiences during lockdown

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