Hubert Pawelkiewicz

Hubert Pawelkiewicz

Hubert Pawelkiewicz

I love walking and find it very therapeutic. I've always been interested in keeping fit and active and wanted to find something locally within Bedford that was suitable for me as I am blind. Usually I would have to travel all the way to Cambridge to find suitable sports, which was ok but not ideal when you want to do an activity on a weekly basis. I tried going to the gym but it didn't work out for me as I needed a regular guide to help me use the machines which didn't make me feel independent. I wanted to find a sport where I could exercise independently. My local sight charity, Sight concern Bedfordshire, told me about visually impaired (VI) tennis which they explained would mean I could exercise independently and without the need of a guide. It sounded interesting, and I investigated what it would entail, liked the concept and I got in contact with Riverside Tennis (based in Bedford) to find out more. It took me a few weeks to master the basics of playing but it wasn't hard to pick up at all.

That was three years ago, and I love each visit and go every Monday for one hour. Just to explain how you play VI Tennis - The ball is larger than a regular tennis ball and with ball bearings in the centre make a sound as the ball bounces on the ground. The game can be played on a smaller court using shorter rackets with more bounces depending on your level of sight. Our coach (Neil) is really creative and no two sessions are ever the same. It's always different and I learn something new. Neil always asks us for feedback and ideas on how to improve.

During lockdown online sessions didn't really work for me so when we were allowed under the covid guidelines to do so, our coach offered 1 to 1 sessions to get us back onto the court. Having that opportunity to go outside and be able to have the social and physical experience was very important and I was very grateful to the coach for offering this.

Now that restrictions have eased again, I am back to my regular weekly sessions and will always aim to go each week. VI Tennis is part of my life now and I would not give it up. As an Active Bedfordshire Ambassador, I want to encourage more local people with visual impairments to give the sport a go. I would always say to someone interested just give it a try and you might enjoy it!

For more information on #NoBarriers: Open Court Disability Tennis at Riverside please click here

or contact

Neil Frankel
Disability Tennis Manager
07989 113514