4YP: Combating antisocial behaviour in Flitwick

4YP – Basketball hoops to reduce antisocial behaviour in Flitwick.

Flitwick is third most deprived part of Central Bedfordshire. 4YP have a youth work provision in this are where large groups would frequently gather in Millennium Park. Issues with low level Anti-Social Behaviour including littering, nuisance bike riding have been reported in this area. The pandemic has devastated the usual sports and activity schemes usually offered by 4YP/FTC, causing them to request basketball hoops, enabling them to safely accommodate socially distanced activity. The area identified for the basketball hoops is next to the youth hub which would be ideal to offer some structured group 'coaching' sessions, while still leaving lots of opportunity for young people to access the facility and organise their own games.

4YP stated they would also provide funding for 6x 1Hr coached basketball sessions over the summer months.

4YP received their requested basketball hoops and as of June 2021, many Flitwick residents are enjoying them and the facility is well used since it's installation. 4YP have reached their intended target audiences by achieving their goal of providing 6x1Hr sessions as well as providing an extra 4 of these sessions during the Easter holidays, with many more planned for the coming summer months. The sessions have been oversubscribed each time, as only a maximum of 15 people can attend each session due to COVID restrictions.

Local feedback has been incredibly positive for 4YP and their basketball hoops, with residents believing it is a fantastic resource, even garnering praise from the local Police and Crime Commissioner. The young people of Flitwick adore this resource due to its central location, close proximity to the youth hub and they can turn up and play whenever they like. The basketball hoops are considered highly sustainable by the local community, as future sessions are being planned as well as small developments in the area, such as the installation of bins and benches which give the hoops more longevity and enable it to be a popular place for young people to be active.




  • Children and Young People
  • Low Socio Economic Groups



Results in pictures

Image credit: Flitwick Town Council