YMCA Bedfordshire Successfully Secure Sport England Funding

YMCA Bedfordshire Successfully Secure Sport England Funding

Posted: Wed, 28 Feb 2018 14:08

YMCA Bedfordshire Successfully Secure Sport England Funding

YMCA Bedfordshire have successfully secured funding from Sport England for the Tackling Inactivity and Economic Disadvantage Fund.

The YMCA is a Christian charity seeking to serve the community through its extensive supported accommodation and resettlement work, recreational, educational, faith, schools and outreach work and personal development training.

Tom from our team worked with them on the funding application which is part of the service we can provide to local clubs who wish to expand their services and require extra financial help.

If you would like to find out more about how we can help you then please get in touch with graham@teambedsandluton.co.uk

Tags: Community Funding, Sport Bedfordshire, Sport England, Sports Funding, help with funding application bedfordshire, sport england funding, teamBEDS&LUTON