Bedfordshire Vital Signs

Bedfordshire Vital Signs

Vital Signs is part of a project which Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation has been working on since 2016. It brings together existing research and social data about Bedfordshire and Luton alongside community consultation (online survey, focus groups, social reporting) to identify areas for future community development. It helps pinpoint the areas of greatest need and the challenges facing communities.

Using a combination of existing research and surveys with local residents, Vital Signs reports give a full picture of social trends; key community needs; and what people think of the places where they live and work.

Why is vital signs important?

Understanding the needs of a community and the issues it faces is the first step to being able to solve them.

This is what Vital Signs does.

It measures the social temperature of different cities and communities across the UK to uncover the areas that need help. Community Foundations that run this programme then guide the generosity of local philanthropists towards the areas that need it most.