Bedfordshire and Luton’s Live Longer Better Operational Alliance

Live Longer Better – Website Narrative – Side Button- Bedfordshire and Luton Live Longer Better Operational Alliance

We have established a group of likeminded people and organizations that are committed to improving physical and mental health outcomes through increased physical activity participation amongst our older population.

This group will oversee the development and implementation of the operational actions required to achieve the wider networks strategic aims. We have agreed between us a common purpose and outcomes. These are summarized below. If you would like to know more about our operational alliance or feel you can contribute, please do get in touch with Alison Wright

What will the ALLIANCE aim to achieve?

  1. Embedded the principles of regular movement and physical activity for improving older adult's physical and emotional wellbeing across the health and social care systems in BLMK.
  2. Ensure resident facing roles in the health, social care, community, and voluntary sectors are aware of the benefits of regular movement and physical activity and are advocating for its use with patients and service users.
  3. Influence and support the post COVID-19 recovery and reconditioning agenda, to include regular movement and physical activity as a tool to support adults in later life recover.

How will we do this?

Increase the understanding and awareness of the benefits of regular movement, across all direct delivery services for older people. Identify those adults in later life in greatest need and help them find solutions and organisations to work with to support them in becoming more physically active.

By collaborating and working together to share challenges, issues and blockages in the health and social care, and the voluntary and community system, which will be fed into the strategic NETWORK for help to unblock.

Grow the confidence of resident facing roles via the delivery of bite size training and resources to encourage and recommend physical activity and regular movement to adults in later life.

Share insight and learning from across the alliance partners including relevant information from the National Live Longer Better Network. Identify scalable solutions and good practice to feed into the strategic NETWORK group to consider for investment and resourcing.

Create system change within the delivery of opportunities for adults in later life to be active. This could include adapting and enhancing the offers within local authority leisure centres, including an active element included in older adult's service provision provided by the community and voluntary sector, review 'support planning' for older people to ensure it encourages physical activity and or training for coaches and instructors to work with adults in later life.

When will we do this?

The operational ALLIANCE will meet at least four times per year and lead the implementation of interventions and support for older adults to become, return and stay active. The work of the ALLIANCE will be guided by the strategic NETWORK and will be key in feeding blockages and areas for investment to the NETWORK for consideration.

Alliance Membership



Clinical Frailty Lead/ Falls Team Lead

Claire McIntyre

Head of Strategic Commissioning, Social Care, Health and Housing

Jane Moakes

Dementia Support Worker - Alzheimers Society Beds and Luton

Louise Buckingham

Social Prescribing


Alison Brightman

Total Well-Being Luton

Emma Stevens

Sarah Simmonds

Engagement Manager CBC

Transformation Directorate

Sarah Hughes

Age Concern Luton

Bedfordshire CVS

Effie Assan : 'Getting On' and Wellbeing Supervisor

(Contact via Martin Trider)

Care providers – public & private

Amber Seabrook

Manager at Woodside Care Home

Tibbs Dementia

Sarah Russell

SPORT: Physical Activity & Leisure

tB&L Director

tB&L Business Manager

Project Consultant

Leap- Head of Strategic Relationships

Clare Fitzboydon

Graham Simpson

Alison Wright

Chris Gregory

Bedford Borough SD

Central Bedfordshire SD

Active Luton

Robert Lindsay

Howard Hughes

Tania Ford