Bedfordshire and Luton Live Longer Better Strategic Network

Live Longer Better – Website Narrative – Side Button- Bedfordshire and Luton Live Longer Better Strategic Network

We have established a group of likeminded people and organizations that are committed to improving physical and mental health outcomes through increased physical activity participation amongst our older population.

This group will consider the strategic direction of our work which will guide the decision making and investment made at an operational level. We have agreed between us a common purpose and outcomes. These are summarized below. We will meet at least twice a year but more regularly if necessary. If you would like to know more about our network or feel you can contribute, please do get in touch with Alison Wright


Strengthening the connections between sport, physical activity, health and wellbeing so more people can feel the benefits of, and advocate for, an active life. Integrate and embed Live Longer Better principles across geographical Bedfordshire.

Increasing the understanding of fitness and the confidence people have in both prescribing and recommending physical activity and exercise to older adults. Reframe what we mean by physically active – 'Doing is Moving!' Reconsider the glossary of terminology used to describe older people to reflect positivity and capability.

Partnerships, working together to increase activity levels and a focus on those most in need is key to this NETWORK. Building strong and effective relationships across health and primary care, the voluntary and community sector and academia are essential if we are going to maximise the collective outcomes from this work. Generating increased capacity through building new partnerships is key.

Information sharing - to receive information and insight from the National Live Longer Better Network to help shape / influence locally.

Whole system change - to enable and facilitate whole system change in relation to this agenda. Integrate Physical Activity into contracts and commissions.


  • Create the right conditions for Physical Activity to be integrated and embedded across the health and social care agendas.
  • Ensure more older people have the knowledge skills and ability to be physically active and are motivated to do so.
  • Influence and support the post COVID-19 recovery and reconditioning agenda.

This NETWORK will initiate the conversations needed to achieve the above which is particularly important at this time. The pandemic has massively impacted on the health and wellbeing of our older generation in so many ways. This new NETWORK will have a key role to play in supporting with the physical and mental health reconditioning that will be needed as we recover from the pandemic.