Workforce Project in Bedford Borough

Workforce Project in Bedford Borough

Mental health awareness training across Bedford

Robert Lindsay - Project lead for the Bedford Workforce Project discusses how the funding was used.

Key Learnings and Results

  • A number of providers offering mental health training courses locally and it is very important to engage the right provider.
  • It is really important to decide how you will embed the learning into each organisation, club or facility. It is also important to understand HOW to signpost people to agencies and not just WHO/WHERE you signpost them to. i.e. referral, informally, GDPR.
  • The sport/physical activity workforce is a very diverse group and planning the training is key to ensure that that all feel welcome.
  • The time of day to deliver the courses can be a barrier to participation and it is important to consider that some coaches and volunteers can only attend outside of normal working hours.

Workforce Podcast

We discuss our workforce development project in Bedfordshire, its original aims and the successes so far in Bedford.