Cycling UK: Cycling Levels Surge in England, as Cash-Strapped Consumers want to Drive Less and Cycle More

Cycling UK: Cycling Levels Surge in England, as Cash-Strapped Consumers want to Drive Less and Cycle More

Posted: Mon, 22 Aug 2022 16:10

New data analysed by Cycling UK shows that more people in England are turning to cycling as the impact of record fuel prices is felt

  • Compared to last year, cycling levels in England rose by 47% on weekdays and 27% on weekends in the five months to the end of July.
  • The rise has been simultaneous with the hike in fuel prices, strongly suggesting people want to cycle more for many reasons, including to save money.
  • Cycling UK is urging local authorities to act now to provide the infrastructure to make active travel a realistic option for everyone.

According to the figures from the Department for Transport, cycling levels in England began to rise in March as the cost of fuel rapidly increased.

As fuel prices reached record highs in July, cycling levels were even higher than those seen at the same period in 2020, when quieter roads during the pandemic encouraged many more people out on their bikes.

Tags: Cost Of Living, Cycling Uk, Fuel Crisis, Insight