Gill Morrow

Gill Morrow - School Games Event Manager

I joined the team in July 2011 after a 2 year career break to raise my young family. Previously I worked for 5 years for Bedfordshire County Council as the County Officer for PE and Sport and prior to that for 12 years as a PE teacher at Vandyke Upper School. During my time there I carried out various leadership roles including Head of Girls PE, Assistant Head of House and Discrete Curriculum Leader.

I am originally from Edinburgh and after leaving there at the age of 8 I spent my childhood years in various counties in England before moving to Kent where I completed my education at Tonbridge Grammar School for Girls. I moved to Bedfordshire at the age of 18 to study for a BA (HONS) Sports Studies at University where I gained a 2:1 and then went on to undertake a PGCE Secondary Physical Education and have not left Bedford since!!

I love watching all sports but don't have much time to take part in sport these days – though I have just taken up Nordic walking which I really enjoy! The main sports I used to participate in were skiing (my main love) swimming and netball.

These days my spare time is spent looking after my 2 children and transporting them between several sporting activities most days of the week.