

Cycling is a great way for young people to get regularly physical activity, whether it riding to and from school each day or recreationally in their own time with their family and friends.

We have secured funding from the Department for Transport to offer schools within the Leighton Linslade SSP the opportunity to receive FREE Bikeability cycle training for their pupils.

What is Bikeability?

Bikeability is the Government's flagship cycling training programme and is designed to help young people develop the skills and confidence to be able to cycle on today's roads.

There are three Bikeability levels, each designed to help improve participants' cycling skills, no matter what they know already. Levels 1, 2 and 3 take trainees on a journey from the basics of balance and control all the way through to planning and making a journey by themselves on busier roads.

There is also a range of new Bikeability Plus modules which are designed for use in co-operation with schools to ensure that children and families are given the opportunities, skills, support and guidance they need to make cycling part of their everyday lives. These modules complement and enhance the effectiveness of Bikeability Levels 1 – 3.

FREE Training For Schools

We have secured funding from the Department for Transport to provide free training to schools in Leighton Buzzard, Linslade and surrounding partnership area between April 2022 and March 23. We are able to offer schools the opportunity to receive Level 1, Level 2 , Level 3,

All training will be delivered on behalf of the SSP by our delivery partners Cycle 4 Life who are a fully qualified, experienced and insured Bikeability scheme.